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Sermon recordings for 2017.
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 Sunday 31 December 2017 Luke 2: 41-52 Jesus, at 12, in the Temple


O  Monday 25 December 2017 Matthew 2 v 16 - 25 : Joseph: Christmas Day

Sunday 24 December 2017  Luke 1 v 26 - 38 Advent 4 The birth of Jesus is foretold

Sunday 17 December 2017 John 1 v 6 - 9 and 19 - 28 Advent 3 Repent

Sunday 10 December 2017 Mark 1 v 1 - 11 Advent 2 John the Baptist prepares the way


Sunday 3 December 2017 Mark 13: 32-37 & Mark 13:1-5

  Advent 1 The day and hour unknown --- watch.

Sunday 26 November 2017 James 2:14-26 A Call to Wholistic Christianity --- Faith and works

Sunday 19 November 2017  James 2:1-13 A Call to Wholistic Christianity --- favoritism forbidden


Sunday 5 November 2017   James 1:17 & 19-27, Genesis 1: 28-30

A Call to Wholistic Christianity --- listening and doing


Sunday 29 October 2017 James 1:4, 9-15  A Call to Wholistic Christianity --- trials and temptations. "You can't stop a bird from landing on your head but you can stop it from building a nest there."


Sunday 8 October 2017 James 1:1-8 A Call to Wholistic Christianity --- trials and temptations


Sunday 1 October 2017 James 1:1 & James 5:19-20 A Call to Wholistic Christianity --- an introduction to the epistle of James

Sunday 12 November 2017 Joel 3:1-21 The nations judged and the blessings for God's people.


Sunday 22 October 2017 Joel 2: 1-32 An army of locusts/the day of the Lord

Sunday 15 October 2017 Joel 1:1-20 An invasion of locusts


O  Sunday 24 September 2017 Daniel 11:36 - end of chapter 12 --- Past/Future/The end times


O  Sunday 17 September 2017 Daniel 11: 2-35 The Kings of the North and the South


Sunday 10 September 2017 no recorded sermon as we went into small prayer groupings to pray for JOY ---   (Jesus, Others, You)


O  Sunday 3 September 2017 Romans 8

O  Sunday 27 August 2017 Romans 12:1-8 Living sacrifices for JOY                                                                                             (Jesus, Others, You)

O  Sunday 20 August 2017  Romans 1:7 Romans 1:16-17 

                                           1 Cor. 1:23 Jude 24-25 Righteousness

O  Sunday 13 August 2017 Daniel Chapter 10 - 11 v 1

O  Sunday 6 August 2017 Daniel Chapter 9

O  Sunday 30 July 2017 Daniel Chapter 8

O  Sunday 23 July 2017 Acts 2:14 -21; Genesis 3:8 -11; Luke 10:25 -37

O  Sunday 16 July 2017 "I will give you rest" Matthew 25 v 25 - 28 & Philippians 4 v 4 - 11

O  Sunday 9 July 2017 Daniel's dream of four beasts --- Daniel 7:1-28


O   Sunday 2 July 2017  A re-introduction to Daniel --- Daniel 1:1-7


O  Sunday 25 June 2017 --- no recording this week as we didn't meet due to a large community event making use of the Dianthus building.


O  Sunday 18 June 2017 Fellowship within The Trinity 

2 Corinthians 13:9-14


O  Sunday 11 June 2017 The Trinity Mark 12:28-31,2 Corinthians 13:9-14


O  Sunday 4 June 2017 The day of Pentecost Acts 2: 1-47


O  Sunday 28 May 2017 Blessing Ascension Luke 24 v 50 - 53

O  Sunday 21 May 2017 The Great Commission Matthew 28 v 16 - 20  

O  Sunday 14 May 2017 Jesus is risen and appears to his disciples Mark 16v 1 - 18; John 20 v 10 -23

O  Sunday 7 May 2017 Faithfulness: Ephesians 2 v 19 - end; John 20 v 19 - 23; 1 Thess 2 v 1 - 4; 2 Tim 2 v 2


O  Sunday 30 April 2017 Follow me: Peter and John: John 21 v 18 - end; Psalm 31, Romans 8 v 28


O  Sunday 23 April 2017 Peter - The Rock John 21 v 15 - 20 (Pslam 118; John 1 v 40 - 42; Luke 21 v 15- 2- and others)

O  Sunday 16 April 2017  Matthew 28 v 1 - 10 Easter Sunday - The Resurrection


O  Friday 14 April 2017  Genesis 2 v 1 - 19 Good Friday - Abraham

O  Thursday 13 April 2017  Luke 22 v 7 - 23 Maundy Thursday

O  Sunday 9 April 2017 John 12: 1-19 Jesus is anointed and the first Palm Sunday: Jesus comes to Jerusalem as King


O  Sunday 2 April 2017 John 11: 1-45 Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead


O  Sunday 26 March 2017 John 9:1-41 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind


O  Sunday 19 March 2017  John 4 v 1 - 45 "Water?"

O  Sunday 12 March 2017 Matthew 17:1-23 The Transfiguration


O  Sunday 5 March 2017  Luke 4: 1-13 Jesus is tempted in the wilderness


O  Sunday 26 February 2017  Daniel 6: 1-28 In the den of lions

O  Sunday 19 February 2017 Daniel 5:1-30 The writing on the wall


O  Sunday12 February 2017 Daniel 4:1-37 Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a tree


O  Sunday 5 February 2017  Daniel 3: 1-30 The fiery furnace


O  Sunday 29 January 2017  Daniel 2:1-49 & 3:1 Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a statue 


O  Sunday 22 January 2017 Daniel 1: 1-21 Daniel's training in Babylon 


O  Sunday 15 January 2017  Daniel Introduction : Chapters 1 - 12 (Daniel 1 v 1 - 7)  "How to live and live out your faith in an alien land"

O  Sunday 8 January 2017  Matthew 2:1-12 and: Genesis 49:10, Numbers 24:17a, 2 Samuel 5:1-2, Micah 5:2 The visit of the Magi


O  Sunday 1 January 2017  Luke 2:21, Genesis 17:1-27, Colossians 2: 6-15, Romans 2:25-29, Deuteronomy 10:14-16 The circumcision of Jesus

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