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Scriptures, Sermons and Recordings (2020-2021)


Sunday 26th December 2021 --- the death of Stephen and the church in persecution

Scriptures: Acts chapters 6 & 7

Recorded sermon (audio) Acts chapters 6 & 7

Saturday 25th December 2021 --- the first coming of Jesus our Saviour

Christmas Day --- midnight  

Scriptures:  Luke 2: 1-20 

Recorded sermon (audio)  Luke 2: 1-20 

Christmas Day --- morning

Scriptures: John 1: 1-18

Recorded sermon (audio) John 1: 1-18

Sunday 19th December 2021 ---   4th Sunday in Advent --- The Magnificat

Scriptures:  Luke 1: 38 - 55

Recorded sermon (audio)  Luke 1: 38 - 55

Sunday 12th December 2021 --- 3rd Sunday in Advent --- be glad and rejoice

Scriptures: Zephaniah 3:14-20, Luke 21 (many verses), Isaiah 35:4

Recorded sermon (audio) Luke 21 (many verses) --- listen to God

And --- "The signs of the times in the world around us point to the reality that we are living in the last days. Jesus is our Soon Coming King, and our job is to get ready for His return!" courtesy of Chris Jordan

Sunday 5th December 2021 ---  2nd Sunday in Advent --- the joy of the Lord

Scriptures: Psalm 126, Luke 21:34-36, I Thessalonians 5:1-11, Revelation 21:1-8, Revelation 22:20.

Recorded sermon (audio) Luke 21:34-36, I Thessalonians 5:1-11, Revelation 21:1-8, Revelation 22:20  Encourage one another.

Sunday 28th November 2021 --- Advent Sunday --- Our hope as Jesus will return

Scriptures:  Jeremiah 33:14-16, Luke 21:25-36

Recorded sermon (audio) Luke 21: 25-36 The Second Coming

Sunday 21st November 2021 ---  Christ the King --- the kingship of Jesus

Scriptures: John 18:33-37, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Colossians 1:9-14, 24-29, Romans 8:28-39

Recorded sermon (audio)   2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Colossians 1:9-14, 24-29, Romans 8:28-39 --- Power in weakness


Sunday 14th November 2021 ---  Reprise

Scriptures: Ephesians Chapter 1 - 3

Recorded sermon (audio) Ephesians Chapter 1 - 3


Sunday 7th November 2021 ---  All of the Church

Scriptures:  Ephesians 4: 1-6

Recorded sermon (audio) Ephesians 4: 1-6


Sunday 31st October 2021 ---  "I am who I am" --- Exodus 3:14

Scriptures:  Matthew 5:1-12, Revelation 1:3, Ephesians 4:1-6, Exodus 3:14-17

Recorded sermon (audio)   One Lord --- Ephesians 4:1-6, Exodus 3:14-17

Sunday 24th October 2021 ---  One body 

Scriptures: Ephesians 1: 17-18 & Ephesians 4:4-6

Recorded sermon (audio): Ephesians 1: 17-18 & Ephesians 4:4

Sunday 17th October 2021 --- unity birthed out of the Trinity  

Scriptures:  Mark 10:42-45, Ephesians 4: 1-2 & 3

Recorded sermon (audio):   especially Ephesians 4:3

Sunday 10th October 2021 ---  Walk in a manner worthy of your calling

Scriptures:  Ephesians 1:1-2 & 4:1-2, Galatians 5:22-23

Recorded sermon (audio): Ephesians 4: 1-2

Sunday 3rd October 2021 ---  "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received."

Scriptures:  Mark 10: 13-16, Ephesians chapters 1, 2 & 3 and chapter 4:1 (above)

Recorded sermon (audio): Ephesians 4:1

Sunday 26th September  2021 --- "Strengthening the Foundations" --- Grace --- God's power at work in our lives

Scriptures:  Matthew 6:5-15, Revelation 19:6-9, Galatians 3:1 -14, Luke 15:11-32

Recorded sermon (audio):  Galatians 3: 1-14, Luke 15:11-32

Sunday 19th September  2021 ---"Strengthening the Foundations" --- pray like Jesus

Scriptures:  Psalm 54, Matthew 6:5-15

Recorded sermon (audio):

Sunday 12th September  2021 --- the love of God alongside...

Scriptures: Ephesians 1:15-23, Ephesians 3:20-21 & 4: 1, John 10:10-11

Recorded sermon (audio): 

Sunday 5th September  2021 --- Doxology --- among Christian traditions, a doxology is typically an expression of praise sung to the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Scriptures: Ephesians 3:14-21 (especially verses 20-21 --- “Doxology”), Psalm 1 & portions of Acts 2
Recorded sermon (audio):

Sunday 29th August 2021 --- God loves me --- the Bible tells me so.
Scripture: Ephesians 3: 14 - 21
Recorded sermon (audio):

Sunday 22nd August 2021 --- I bow my knees
Scriptures: Ephesians 3: 14-21, Isaiah 45: 22-25
Recorded sermon (audio):  Ephesians 3: 14 - 21

Sunday 15th August 2021 --- for this reason I kneel
Scripture: Ephesians 3: 14 - 21
Recorded sermon (audio): 

Sunday 8th August 2021 --- do not lose heart
Scripture: Ephesians 3:7 - 13
Recorded sermon (audio):

Sunday 1st August 2021 --- what is God doing?
Scripture: Ephesians 3:10-13 plus Hebrews 4:14-16 & Hebrews 10:19-22
Recorded sermon (audio):

Sunday 25th July 2021 --- "His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms..."
Scripture: Ephesians 3:7-13 (especially verse 10)
Recorded sermon (audio):  Ephesians 3:7-13

Sunday 18th July 2021 --- "and to make plain to everyone..." (verse 9a)
Scriptures: Ephesians 3:7-13 (continuing)
Recorded sermon (audio):  Ephesians 3: 7-13

Sunday 11th July 2021 --- "I became a servant of this gospel....." (verse 7a)
Scripture: Ephesians 3:7-13 (especially verses 7-8)
Recorded sermon (audio):   Ephesians 3:7-13 

Sunday 4th July 2021 --- the mystery of Christ
Scriptures: Ephesians 3:1-6  especially verses 4-6
Recorded sermon (audio):  Ephesians 3: 1-6

Sunday 27th June 2021 --- God’s marvellous plan for the Gentiles
Scripture: Ephesians 3:1-6
Recorded sermon (audio):  Ephesians 3:1-6

Sunday 20th June 2021 --- the blessings of receiving the Eucharist
Scriptures: Exodus 16, Psalm 116:12-end, 1 Corinthians 11:17-end, Luke 22:7-38
Recorded sermon (audio):  1 Corinthians 11: 17-end

Sunday 13th June 2021 --- celebrating the Eucharist 
Scriptures: Exodus 24:3-8, Psalm 116:12-end, 1 Corinthians 11:17-end, Mark 14:12-26
Recorded sermon (audio):  1 Corinthians 11: 17 - 34  

Sunday 6th June 2021 --- Corpus Christi --- celebrates the Eucharist 
Scriptures: Exodus 24:3-8, Psalm 116:12-end, Revelation 5, Mark 14:12-26
Recorded sermon (audio):  Revelation 5; Mark 14: 12 - 26
Service details --- click here
Sunday 30th May 2021 --- Trinity Sunday --- emphasis on The Athanasian Creed (click here)
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 4:32-40, Psalm 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22,  Romans 8:14-17, Matthew 28:16-20
"Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty" ---
Recorded sermon (audio):  (Romans 8: 12 - 30)
Service details --- click here
Sunday 23rd May 2021 --- Pentecost 2021 --- "Come Holy Spirit"
Scriptures: Acts 2:1-11, Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34 Romans 8:18-30, John 20:19-23 
Short video for the day: (Acts 2)
Recorded sermon (audio):  (Romans 8: 18-30)
Service details --- click here
Saturday 22nd May 2021 --- Pentecost Vigil (Joel)
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Scripture: Acts 2:14ff
Short video for the day ---
Friday 21st May 2021 --- "They devoted themselves to ......  the breaking of bread"
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Scripture: Acts 2:42
Short video for the day ---
Thursday 20th May 2021 --- look back and remember God's work in your life
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Scripture: Acts 2:1-2
Short video for the day ---
Wednesday 19th May 2021 --- the A.C.T.S. of prayers:
Supplication (ask)
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Scripture: Acts 2: 5-13
Short video for the day ---
Tuesday 18th May 2021 --- the call of the Holy Spirit
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Scripture: Acts 2: 42-47
Short video for the day ---
Monday 17th May 2021 --- "Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you" (v7b)
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Scripture: John 16: 7-15
Short video for the day ---
Sunday 16th May 2021 --- Living in the New Covenant
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Scriptures: Acts 2, Psalm 1, John 17: 6-19
Short video for the day ---  (Jeremiah 31: 31-34)
Recorded sermon (audio):  (Acts 2 v 29 ff)
Service details --- click here
Saturday 15th May 2021 --- In the last days, God says "I will pour out my Spirit on all people....."
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Scripture: Acts 2 (esp.17)
Short video for the day ---
Friday 14th May 2021 --- “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait...."
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Scripture: Acts 1:4
Short video for the day ---
Thursday 13 May 2021 --- Ascension Day
Scriptures: Acts 1:1-14, Psalm 110, Luke 24:44-end
Short video for the day:
Service details --- click here
Sunday 9 May 2021 --- Jesus is taken back up into Heaven
Scriptures: Acts 1:1-14, Psalm 98:1-4
Recorded sermon:  (Acts 1: 1-14) 
Service details --- click here
Sunday 2 May 2021 --- inner healing for Peter
Scripture: John 21: 15-25
Recorded sermon: (John 21: 15-25)
Service details --- click here
Sunday 25 April 2021 --- Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish followed by breakfast
Scripture: John 21: 1-14
Recorded sermon:  (John 21: 1-14)
Service details --- click here
Sunday 18 April 2021 --- The Emmaus Walk
Scripture: Acts 3:11-23, Psalm 4, 1 John 2:1-6, Luke 24 & The Emmaus Walk
Recorded sermon:  (Luke 24:13-35)
Service details --- click here
Sunday 11 April 2021 --- Jesus appears to his Disciples
Scripture: Acts 4:32-35, Psalm 118:2-4,15-18,222-24, 1 John 5:1-6, John 20:19-31
Recorded sermon:  (John 20:19-31)
Service details --- click here
Ash Wednesday (February 17th), Sunday 21 February 2021 and all the way up to Easter: 
please click here to access our Lenten Journey, scriptures, sermons and recordings
Sunday 14 February 2021 --- 1st Sunday before Lent
Jesus heals a man with leprosy
Mark 1: 40-45  (audio)
Preparing for Lent:  (video)
Sunday 7 February 2021 --- 2nd Sunday before Lent
Jesus heals many and prays in a solitary place
Mark 1: 29-39  (audio)
Sunday 31 January 2021 
The Epiphany in Cana (part 3)
John 2: 1-11  (audio)
Sunday 24 January 2021 
The Epiphany in Cana (part 2)
John 2: 1-11  (audio)
Sunday 17 January 2021 
The Epiphany in Cana (part 1)
John 2: 1-11 (audio)

And --- John Piper: "Is an audio Bible sufficient for devotions?"  Referred to by Sean this morning:

Sunday 10 January 2021 
The baptism of Jesus
Mark 1: 7-11  (audio)
Sunday 3 January 2021 
Epiphany Sunday 
Matthew 2: 1-12 (audio)
'Twix Sundays:
* Monday 28 December 2020 --- the holy innocents --- maybe the first Christian martyrs --- Matthew 2: 13-end ---
* Wednesday 30 December 2020 --- Simeon and Anna--- Luke 2: 22-40 ---
* Friday 1 January 2021 --- The naming and circumcision of Jesus --- Luke 2:21 ---
* Friday 25 December 2020 --- Christmas Day --- the shepherds understood --- Luke 2: 1-20 ---  (audio)
* Saturday 26 December --- St Stephen's Day --- Acts 6:1 to Acts 8:3 (esp Acts 7: 54-60) ---
* Sunday 27 December 2020 --- The response of the shepherds --- Luke 2: 1-20 (esp. 15-20) ---
Advent 2020 --- week 4 --- click here for each day's readings
*  Sunday 20 December 2020 --- the purposes of God fulfilled by using human beings ---  Luke 1: 26-38 --- (video)  (audio)
*  Monday 21 December --- Mary & Elizabeth share what they have received ---  Luke 1: 39-45 ---
*  Tuesday 22 December --- Mary’s Song: The Magnificat (video) ---  Luke 1: 46-56 ---
*  Wednesday 23 December --- The birth & naming of John the Baptist ---  Luke 1: 57-66 ---
*  Thursday 24 December --- Zechariah’s song: The Benedictus (video) ---  Luke 1: 67-79 ---
Advent 2020 --- week 3 --- click here for each day's readings
*  Sunday 13 December 2020 --- sent to live in the light of God ---  John 1: 6-8 & 19-28 --- (video)  &   the prophetic word ---  1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24 --- (audio)
*  Monday 14 December --- God given authority --- Matthew 21: 23-27 ---
*  Tuesday 15 December --- the way of moral and positional righteousness --- Matthew 21: 28-32 ---
*  Wednesday 16 December --- pointing to Jesus: the promise fulfilled --- Luke 7: 18-23 ---
*  Thursday 17 December --- the past (the Old Testament) points to Jesus --- Matthew 1: 1-17 ---
*  Friday 18 December --- Immanuel: “God with us” --- Matthew 1: 18-25 ---
*  Saturday 19 December --- the people of God's heart will rejoice --- Luke 1: 5-25 --- 
Advent 2020 --- week 2 --- click here for each day's readings
*  Sunday 6 December 2020 ---John the Baptist: the fulfillment of the Old Testament --- Mark 1: 1-8 --- (video)   & (audio)
*  Monday 7 December --- sin forgiven and the fullness of healing --- Luke 5: 17-26 ---
*  Tuesday 8 December --- the lost sheep --- Matthew 18: 12-14 --- 
*  Wednesday 9 December --- "Come to me all who are weary" --- Matthew 11: 28-30 ---
*  Thursday 10 December --- "Whoever has ears, let them hear" --- Matthew 11: 11-15 ---
*  Friday 11 December --- "But wisdom is proved right by her deeds" --- Matthew 11: 16-19 ---
*  Saturday 12 December --- on going tradition of prophetic ministry --- Matthew 17: 9-13 ---
Advent 2020 --- week 1 --- click here for each day's readings
*  Lockdown Sunday 29 November 2020 --- Advent Sunday --- "stay awake / keep watch" ---
*  Monday 30 November --- The faith of the Centurian --- Matthew 8: 5-13 ---
*  Tuesday 1 December --- "The revelation, which is already there, to be made more real into our experience" --- Luke 10:21-24 ---
*  Wednesday 2 December --- the Gospel is for all --- Matthew 15: 29-39  ---
*  Thursday 3 December ---"Who is my Lord?" --- Matthew 7: 21-end ---
*  Friday 4 December --- the call(s) of the New Testament --- Matthew 9: 27-31 ---
*  Saturday 5 December --- shepherding  --- Matthew 9:35-10:8 ---
Lockdown video sermons 'twixt these Sundays --- Preparing for Advent:
* Kingship through Fulfilment --- Revelation 1 ---
* Our Preparation for Fulfilment --- Revelation 22: 6-end --- 
* "Eat & Speak" - Prophetic Ministry --- Revelation 10: 8-end ---  or 
* Separation --- Revelation 14: 6-end ---
* The Marriage Feast of the Lamb --- Revelation 19: 6-10 --- 
Lockdown Sunday 22 November 2020  (audio with Jonathan)
1 Chronicles 28 & 29
Preparation for the building of the Temple
&  (video with Sean)

Matthew 25:31-46

Christ The King

Lockdown video sermons 'twixt these Sundays --- Preparing for Advent:
*  (St) Noah --- a man of faith --- Hebrews 11:1 ---  
*  (St) Noah --- one who warns --- Hebrews 11:7a ---
*  (St) Noah --- condemnation & righteousness --- Hebrews 11:7b ---

*  (St) Noah --- obedience & love --- Genesis 6:22 & 6:8 ---

*  (St) Noah --- "Business as Usual" --- Genesis 8:1, 8:20 & 9:1 ---

Lockdown Sunday 15 November 2020
Matthew 25: 14-30
The Parable of the Talents
"Children of God and heirs of eternal life" ---
Lockdown video sermons 'twixt these Sundays:
* Preparing for Advent --- 1 John 3:8b ---
* Develop "Shrewdness/Prudence" part 1 --- Luke 16: 1-13 ---
* Develop "Shrewdness/Prudence" part 2 --- Luke 16: 1-13 & Matthew 10: 16 --- 
* Develop "Shrewdness/Prudence" part 3 --- Luke 16: 10 ---
* Develop "Shrewdness/Prudence" part 4 --- Luke 16: 11-15 ---  
* Develop "Shrewdness/Prudence" part 5 --- Luke 16: 14-15 ---
Lockdown Sunday 8 November 2020 (audio)
1 Chronicles 27  
National leaders who serve
Sunday 1 November 2020
Matthew 5: 1-12
Collect for All Saints
Sunday 25 October 2020
John 14: 1-4 
Christian identity
Sunday 18 October 2020
Matthew 22: 15-21
Paying taxes to Caesar
Sunday 11 October 2020
Luke 10: 25-37 
The parable of the Good Samaritan
Sunday 4 October 2020
Matthew 21: 33-46 (and references to Psalm 80: 8-19 & Isaiah 5: 1-7)
The parable of the vineyard tenants 
Sunday 27 September 2020
Matthew 18: 21-25
The parable of the two sons
Sunday 20 September 2020
Matthew 20: 1-16
The parable workers in the vineyard
Sunday 13 September 2020
Matthew 18: 21-25
The parable of the Unmerciful Servant
Post total lockdown sermons and recordings starting on September 13th
Sunday September 13

Zephaniah 3:14-end

Saturday September 12

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- Matthew 25: 31 - end
Week of September 7 - 11 
Credal Faith – “I believe ………in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.”
Monday:1 Corinthians 15:42-44 --- 
Tuesday: 1 Corinthians 15:42ff --- “…… it is raised imperishable.” ---
Wednesday: 1 Corinthians 15:43 --- “it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory;” ---  & 1 Corinthians 5:44 ---
Thursday: 1 Corinthians 15:44 --- “it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.” ---  
Friday: 1 Corinthians 15:58 --- “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.”
Sunday September 6

Zephaniah 3:9-3:13  with response: “In the Cross of Christ I Glory” (click here for the youtube presentation)

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- Matthew 25:1-13

Week of August 31 - September 4 --- continuing from last week
Credal Faith – “And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, who spake by the Prophets.” 
Monday: Jeremiah 1:17 ---  

Tuesday: Jeremiah 1:17 (cont) ---  

Wednesday: Ezekiel chapter 2 (and, also, the very end of chapter 1 and the very beginning of chapter 3) 


Thursday: Luke 4:16 ff Jesus rejected In Nazareth ---

Friday: Revelation 19:10 “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” ---

Sunday August 30

Zephaniah 2:4 through to 3:8

with “Great is Thy Faithfulness” (click here)

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- Luke 16:19-end Part 9

Week of August 24-28

“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways,”


Credal Faith – “And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, who spake by the Prophets.”

Monday: Hebrews 1:1, Deuteronomy 34 ---  

Tuesday: 1 Corinthians 13:12 ---


Wednesday: Isaiah 6:1 ---


Thursday: Isaiah 6:8 ---

Friday: John 1:29-34 --- 

Sunday August 23

Zephaniah 2: 1-3

Response: Song – “Seek Righteousness" (Vineyard 1993)

Lyrics: Word doc:


Link – Music  – Mp3 -

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- Matthew 22: 1-14

Week of August 17 - 21

This week we continue looking at Romans 8 - the Holy Spirit and his work.

(It would be good to read this chapter before listening to the daily sermons --- for an audio link: click here)

Credal Faith – “And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spake by the Prophets.” 

Monday: Romans 8: 19-21 ---
Tuesday: Romans 8: 22-23 ---  
Wednesday: Romans 8: 26-27 --- 
Thursday: Romans 8: 28 --- 
Friday: Romans 8: 31 ---  
Sunday August 16

Zephaniah 1: 7-end

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- 1 John 4:17
Week of August 10 - 14

This week we continue looking at Romans 8 - the Holy Spirit and his work.

This week there will be 5 minutes from Sean on Monday as usual. Then for Tuesday through Friday please look at Abp Greg Venables on Romans Chapter 8 entitled “3 Short Sermons” supplementing Sean's recent series - Credal Faith.


Monday: Romans 8:17-18 ---  --- with Sean Larkin

Tuesday to Friday: --- with Greg Venables. (The second and third sermons start at  14.50 and 32.55.)

Whilst these are a little longer than 5 minutes, they will encourage us in our living out of Romans 8 and provide a change of voice!

They were originally for the Anglo-Argentine community based in St Saviour’s Buenos Aires.


Sunday August 9

Zephaniah 1: 7

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- The Transfiguration 

Week of August 3-7

This week we start looking at Romans 8 - the Holy Spirit and his work.

(It would be good to read this chapter before listening to the daily sermons --- for an audio link: click here)

Credal Faith – “And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spake by the Prophets.” 

Monday: Romans 8:1-2 --- 
Tuesday: Romans 8: 3-4 --- 
Wednesday: Romans 8: 9-11 ---
Thursday: Romans 8: 12-14 --- 
Friday: Romans 8:15-17 --- 
Sunday August 2

Zephaniah 1:2-6

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord - Part 5 (Parts 1-4 below)

Mark 3:1-6 (Part 2)

Monday 17th May 2021 --- 
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Short video for the day --- 
Monday 17th May 2021 --- 
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Short video for the day --- 
Monday 17th May 2021 --- 
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Short video for the day --- 
Monday 17th May 2021 --- 
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Short video for the day --- 
Monday 17th May 2021 --- 
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Short video for the day --- 
Sunday 16 May 2021 ---
Recorded sermon:
Service details --- click here
Saturday 15th May 2021 --- In the last days, God says "I will pour out my Spirit on all people....."
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Scripture: Acts 2 (esp.17)
Short video for the day ---
Friday 14th May 2021 --- “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait...."
Between Ascension & Pentecost
Scripture: Acts 1:4
Short video for the day ---
Thursday 13 May 2021 --- Ascension Day
Scriptures: Acts 1:1-14, Psalm 110, Luke 24:44-end
Short video for the day:
Service details --- click here
Sunday 9 May 2021 --- Jesus is taken back up into Heaven
Scriptures: Acts 1:1-14, Psalm 98:1-4
Recorded sermon:  (Acts 1: 1-14) 
Service details --- click here
Sunday 2 May 2021 --- inner healing for Peter
Scripture: John 21: 15-25
Recorded sermon: (John 21: 15-25)
Service details --- click here
Sunday 25 April 2021 --- Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish followed by breakfast
Scripture: John 21: 1-14
Recorded sermon:  (John 21: 1-14)
Service details --- click here
Sunday 18 April 2021 --- The Emmaus Walk
Scripture: Acts 3:11-23, Psalm 4, 1 John 2:1-6, Luke 24 & The Emmaus Walk
Recorded sermon:  (Luke 24:13-35)
Service details --- click here
Sunday 11 April 2021 --- Jesus appears to his Disciples
Scripture: Acts 4:32-35, Psalm 118:2-4,15-18,222-24, 1 John 5:1-6, John 20:19-31
Recorded sermon:  (John 20:19-31)
Service details --- click here
Ash Wednesday (February 17th), Sunday 21 February 2021 and all the way up to Easter: 
please click here to access our Lenten Journey, scriptures, sermons and recordings
Sunday 14 February 2021 --- 1st Sunday before Lent
Jesus heals a man with leprosy
Mark 1: 40-45  (audio)
Preparing for Lent:  (video)
Sunday 7 February 2021 --- 2nd Sunday before Lent
Jesus heals many and prays in a solitary place
Mark 1: 29-39  (audio)
Sunday 31 January 2021 
The Epiphany in Cana (part 3)
John 2: 1-11  (audio)
Sunday 24 January 2021 
The Epiphany in Cana (part 2)
John 2: 1-11  (audio)
Sunday 17 January 2021 
The Epiphany in Cana (part 1)
John 2: 1-11 (audio)

And --- John Piper: "Is an audio Bible sufficient for devotions?"  Referred to by Sean this morning:

Sunday 10 January 2021 
The baptism of Jesus
Mark 1: 7-11  (audio)
Sadly, a new lockdown started on January 5th but recordings will still be logged here.
Sunday 3 January 2021 
Epiphany Sunday 
Matthew 2: 1-12 (audio)
'Twix Sundays:
* Monday 28 December 2020 --- the holy innocents --- maybe the first Christian martyrs --- Matthew 2: 13-end ---
* Wednesday 30 December 2020 --- Simeon and Anna--- Luke 2: 22-40 ---
* Friday 1 January 2021 --- The naming and circumcision of Jesus --- Luke 2:21 ---
* Friday 25 December 2020 --- Christmas Day --- the shepherds understood --- Luke 2: 1-20 ---  (audio)
* Saturday 26 December --- St Stephen's Day --- Acts 6:1 to Acts 8:3 (esp Acts 7: 54-60) ---
* Sunday 27 December 2020 --- The response of the shepherds --- Luke 2: 1-20 (esp. 15-20) ---
Advent 2020 --- week 4 --- click here for each day's readings
*  Sunday 20 December 2020 --- the purposes of God fulfilled by using human beings ---  Luke 1: 26-38 --- (video)  (audio)
*  Monday 21 December --- Mary & Elizabeth share what they have received ---  Luke 1: 39-45 ---
*  Tuesday 22 December --- Mary’s Song: The Magnificat (video) ---  Luke 1: 46-56 ---
*  Wednesday 23 December --- The birth & naming of John the Baptist ---  Luke 1: 57-66 ---
*  Thursday 24 December --- Zechariah’s song: The Benedictus (video) ---  Luke 1: 67-79 ---
Advent 2020 --- week 3 --- click here for each day's readings
*  Sunday 13 December 2020 --- sent to live in the light of God ---  John 1: 6-8 & 19-28 --- (video)  &   the prophetic word ---  1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24 --- (audio)
*  Monday 14 December --- God given authority --- Matthew 21: 23-27 ---
*  Tuesday 15 December --- the way of moral and positional righteousness --- Matthew 21: 28-32 ---
*  Wednesday 16 December --- pointing to Jesus: the promise fulfilled --- Luke 7: 18-23 ---
*  Thursday 17 December --- the past (the Old Testament) points to Jesus --- Matthew 1: 1-17 ---
*  Friday 18 December --- Immanuel: “God with us” --- Matthew 1: 18-25 ---
*  Saturday 19 December --- the people of God's heart will rejoice --- Luke 1: 5-25 --- 
Advent 2020 --- week 2 --- click here for each day's readings
*  Sunday 6 December 2020 ---John the Baptist: the fulfillment of the Old Testament --- Mark 1: 1-8 --- (video)   & (audio)
*  Monday 7 December --- sin forgiven and the fullness of healing --- Luke 5: 17-26 ---
*  Tuesday 8 December --- the lost sheep --- Matthew 18: 12-14 --- 
*  Wednesday 9 December --- "Come to me all who are weary" --- Matthew 11: 28-30 ---
*  Thursday 10 December --- "Whoever has ears, let them hear" --- Matthew 11: 11-15 ---
*  Friday 11 December --- "But wisdom is proved right by her deeds" --- Matthew 11: 16-19 ---
*  Saturday 12 December --- on going tradition of prophetic ministry --- Matthew 17: 9-13 ---
Advent 2020 --- week 1 --- click here for each day's readings
*  Lockdown Sunday 29 November 2020 --- Advent Sunday --- "stay awake / keep watch" ---
*  Monday 30 November --- The faith of the Centurian --- Matthew 8: 5-13 ---
*  Tuesday 1 December --- "The revelation, which is already there, to be made more real into our experience" --- Luke 10:21-24 ---
*  Wednesday 2 December --- the Gospel is for all --- Matthew 15: 29-39  ---
*  Thursday 3 December ---"Who is my Lord?" --- Matthew 7: 21-end ---
*  Friday 4 December --- the call(s) of the New Testament --- Matthew 9: 27-31 ---
*  Saturday 5 December --- shepherding  --- Matthew 9:35-10:8 ---
Lockdown video sermons 'twixt these Sundays --- Preparing for Advent:
* Kingship through Fulfilment --- Revelation 1 ---
* Our Preparation for Fulfilment --- Revelation 22: 6-end --- 
* "Eat & Speak" - Prophetic Ministry --- Revelation 10: 8-end ---  or 
* Separation --- Revelation 14: 6-end ---
* The Marriage Feast of the Lamb --- Revelation 19: 6-10 --- 
Lockdown Sunday 22 November 2020  (audio with Jonathan)
1 Chronicles 28 & 29
Preparation for the building of the Temple
&  (video with Sean)

Matthew 25:31-46

Christ The King

Lockdown video sermons 'twixt these Sundays --- Preparing for Advent:
*  (St) Noah --- a man of faith --- Hebrews 11:1 ---  
*  (St) Noah --- one who warns --- Hebrews 11:7a ---
*  (St) Noah --- condemnation & righteousness --- Hebrews 11:7b ---

*  (St) Noah --- obedience & love --- Genesis 6:22 & 6:8 ---

*  (St) Noah --- "Business as Usual" --- Genesis 8:1, 8:20 & 9:1 ---

Lockdown Sunday 15 November 2020
Matthew 25: 14-30
The Parable of the Talents
"Children of God and heirs of eternal life" ---
Lockdown video sermons 'twixt these Sundays:
* Preparing for Advent --- 1 John 3:8b ---
* Develop "Shrewdness/Prudence" part 1 --- Luke 16: 1-13 ---
* Develop "Shrewdness/Prudence" part 2 --- Luke 16: 1-13 & Matthew 10: 16 --- 
* Develop "Shrewdness/Prudence" part 3 --- Luke 16: 10 ---
* Develop "Shrewdness/Prudence" part 4 --- Luke 16: 11-15 ---  
* Develop "Shrewdness/Prudence" part 5 --- Luke 16: 14-15 ---
Lockdown Sunday 8 November 2020 (audio)
1 Chronicles 27  
National leaders who serve
Sunday 1 November 2020
Matthew 5: 1-12
Collect for All Saints
Sunday 25 October 2020
John 14: 1-4 
Christian identity
Sunday 18 October 2020
Matthew 22: 15-21
Paying taxes to Caesar
Sunday 11 October 2020
Luke 10: 25-37 
The parable of the Good Samaritan
Sunday 4 October 2020
Matthew 21: 33-46 (and references to Psalm 80: 8-19 & Isaiah 5: 1-7)
The parable of the vineyard tenants 
Sunday 27 September 2020
Matthew 18: 21-25
The parable of the two sons
Sunday 20 September 2020
Matthew 20: 1-16
The parable workers in the vineyard
Sunday 13 September 2020
Matthew 18: 21-25
The parable of the Unmerciful Servant
Sunday September 13

Zephaniah 3:14-end

Saturday September 12

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- Matthew 25: 31 - end

Week of September 7 - 11 
Credal Faith – “I believe ………in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.”
Monday:1 Corinthians 15:42-44 --- 
Tuesday: 1 Corinthians 15:42ff --- “…… it is raised imperishable.” ---
Wednesday: 1 Corinthians 15:43 --- “it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory;” ---  & 1 Corinthians 5:44 ---
Thursday: 1 Corinthians 15:44 --- “it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.” ---  
Friday: 1 Corinthians 15:58 --- “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.”
Sunday September 6

Zephaniah 3:9-3:13  with response: “In the Cross of Christ I Glory” (click here for the youtube presentation)

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- Matthew 25:1-13

Week of August 31 - September 4 --- continuing from last week
Credal Faith – “And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, who spake by the Prophets.” 
Monday: Jeremiah 1:17 ---  

Tuesday: Jeremiah 1:17 (cont) ---  

Wednesday: Ezekiel chapter 2 (and, also, the very end of chapter 1 and the very beginning of chapter 3) 


Thursday: Luke 4:16 ff Jesus rejected In Nazareth ---

Friday: Revelation 19:10 “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” ---

Sunday August 30

Zephaniah 2:4 through to 3:8

with “Great is Thy Faithfulness” (click here)

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- Luke 16:19-end Part 9

Week of August 24-28

“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways,”


Credal Faith – “And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, who spake by the Prophets.”

Monday: Hebrews 1:1, Deuteronomy 34 ---  

Tuesday: 1 Corinthians 13:12 ---


Wednesday: Isaiah 6:1 ---


Thursday: Isaiah 6:8 ---

Friday: John 1:29-34 --- 

Sunday August 23

Zephaniah 2: 1-3

Response: Song – “Seek Righteousness" (Vineyard 1993)

Lyrics: Word doc:


Link – Music  – Mp3 -

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- Matthew 22: 1-14

Week of August 17 - 21

This week we continue looking at Romans 8 - the Holy Spirit and his work.

(It would be good to read this chapter before listening to the daily sermons --- for an audio link: click here)

Credal Faith – “And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spake by the Prophets.” 

Monday: Romans 8: 19-21 ---
Tuesday: Romans 8: 22-23 ---  
Wednesday: Romans 8: 26-27 --- 
Thursday: Romans 8: 28 --- 
Friday: Romans 8: 31 ---  
Sunday August 16

Zephaniah 1: 7-end

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- 1 John 4:17
Week of August 10 - 14

This week we continue looking at Romans 8 - the Holy Spirit and his work.

This week there will be 5 minutes from Sean on Monday as usual. Then for Tuesday through Friday please look at Abp Greg Venables on Romans Chapter 8 entitled “3 Short Sermons” supplementing Sean's recent series - Credal Faith.


Monday: Romans 8:17-18 ---  --- with Sean Larkin

Tuesday to Friday: --- with Greg Venables. (The second and third sermons start at  14.50 and 32.55.)

Whilst these are a little longer than 5 minutes, they will encourage us in our living out of Romans 8 and provide a change of voice!

They were originally for the Anglo-Argentine community based in St Saviour’s Buenos Aires.


Sunday August 9

Zephaniah 1: 7

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- The Transfiguration 

Week of August 3-7

This week we start looking at Romans 8 - the Holy Spirit and his work.

(It would be good to read this chapter before listening to the daily sermons --- for an audio link: click here)

Credal Faith – “And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spake by the Prophets.” 

Monday: Romans 8:1-2 --- 
Tuesday: Romans 8: 3-4 --- 
Wednesday: Romans 8: 9-11 ---
Thursday: Romans 8: 12-14 --- 
Friday: Romans 8:15-17 --- 
Sunday August 2

Zephaniah 1:2-6

Thought provoking video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord - Part 5 (Parts 1-4 below)

Mark 3:1-6 (Part 2)

Week of July 27-31


Romans 1:16 Part 1 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel …….”

Credal Faith – “For us & for our salvation he came down from heaven”  


Romans 1:16 Part 2 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel …….”

Credal Faith – “For us & for our salvation he came down from heaven”


Romans 1:16 Part 3 “the gospel is the power of God for salvation…….”

Credal Faith – “For us & for our salvation he came down from heaven” 


Romans 1:16 Part 4  “to everyone cf.1Cor 1:21-22”

 Credal Faith – “For us & for our salvation he came down from heaven”


Romans 1:17 “are you right with God? I am justified in Christ”

Credal Faith – “For us & for our salvation he came down from heaven”  

Sunday July 26

Sean starts a series on Zephaniah in "Domestic Church". The recent videos entitled "The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord" are helpful as we start this series:


Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:


Part 4: 


Sunday sermon: Zephaniah Introduction 1:1&7

Week of July 20 - 24


Romans 6:23 pt1 “The Wages of sin is death, BUT!!!”

Credal Faith – “For us & for our salvation he came down from heaven”  


Romans 6:23 pt2 “The Wages of sin is death, BUT!!!”

Credal Faith – “For us & for our salvation he came down from heaven”


Romans 6:23 pt3 “BUT!!! – the gift of God”

Credal Faith – “For us & for our salvation he came down from heaven” 


Romans 6:23 pt4 “BUT!!! – is eternal life”

Credal Faith – “For us & for our salvation he came down from heaven” 


Romans 6:23 pt5 “BUT!!! – in Christ Jesus our Lord”

Credal Faith – “For us & for our salvation he came down from heaven” 

Sunday July 19

Philemon vv21-end


Week of July 13 -17


Genesis 3:6  “The Fall – Adam is responsible. Hope?” 


Genesis 3:7 “Rebellion & death is our portion – listen carefully to God & lovingly obey.”


Genesis 3:15  “Protoevangelium – wonderful words.”

Credal Faith – God, JUDGE & REDEEMER  


Genesis 3:19 “From dust you are and to dust you will return. Prepare to meet God.”


Genesis 3:24 “The Judgements of God are right & good.” Credal Faith – God, JUDGE & REDEEMER  


Sunday 12 July

Philemon 8-20

Friday 10 July --- "The Accusation against God is spoken & the slippery slope is almost complete." --- Credal Faith – God, JUDGE & REDEEMER


Genesis 3: 4-5

Thursday 9 July --- “Lying comes from the serpent & our lining up with it leads to eternal death.” --- Credal Faith – God, JUDGE & REDEEMER


Genesis 3: 4

Wednesday 8 July --- “Don’t add to God’s word. Adam why are you now silent? It is time for you to be a man.” --- Credal Faith – God, JUDGE & REDEEMER


Genesis 3: 1-3

Tuesday 7 July --- “Feed your mind & live God’s revealed truth. Stop listening to half-truths.” --- Credal Faith – God, JUDGE & REDEEMER


Genesis 3: 1-2

Monday 6 July --- “Bad news – it’s much worse than you thought!” --- Credal Faith – God, JUDGE & REDEEMER


Genesis 3

Sunday 5 July


Philemon 4-7

Thought provoking Video:

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord --- part 1

Friday 3 July --- “To the VERY GOOD – no improvements required” --- Credal Faith – God, THE CREATOR


Genesis 2: 20-21


Thursday 2 July --- “It is not good – so God goes on creating” --- Credal Faith – God, THE CREATOR


Genesis 2:18-19

Wednesday 1 July --- “Love, Obedience & Covenant” --- Credal Faith – God, THE CREATOR


Genesis 2:16-17

Tuesday 30 June --- “Created to Serve – dignity & purpose” --- Credal Faith – God, THE CREATOR


Genesis 2:15

Monday 29 June --- “Paradise with Two Special Trees” --- Credal Faith – God, THE CREATOR


Genesis 2:7-9

Thought provoking Video:  Resurrection No 7 Psalm 103:7

With appreciation to Dr Cioata d 1997

Sunday 28 June


Philemon 1-3

Friday 26 June --- "Let US work together – our mandate from God” --- Credal Faith – God, THE CREATOR


Genesis 1:26-28

Thursday 25 June --- “imago Dei” --- Credal Faith – God, THE CREATOR


Genesis 1: 26-28

Wednesday 24 June --- “Why does God choose to create”? --- Credal Faith – God, THE CREATOR


Revelation 4: 11

Tuesday 23 June ---  "Get the first button in the right button hole" --- Credal Faith – God, THE CREATOR


John 1:1-3



Monday 22 June ---  “Start at the Very Beginning” --- Credal Faith – God, THE CREATOR


Genesis 1:1

Sunday 21 June 


1 Chronicles 26 --- The Gatekeepers, Treasurers and Other Officials.

Thought provoking Video:  Resurrection No 6 Galatians 2:20

With appreciation to Len Moules d 1978

Friday 19 June --- Venite, Exultemus Domino --- “Come”


Psalm 95: 10-11 ---  click here for this Psalm



Thursday 18 June --- Venite, Exultemus Domino --- “Come”


Psalm 95: 8-9 ---  click here for this Psalm



Wednesday 17 June --- Venite, Exultemus Domino --- “Come”


Psalm 95: 6-7 ---  click here for this Psalm

Tuesday 16 June --- Venite, Exultemus Domino --- “Come”


Psalm 95: 3-5 ---  click here for this Psalm


Monday 15 June --- Venite, Exultemus Domino --- “Come”


Psalm 95 ---  click here for this Psalm


Sunday 14 June 


1 Chronicles 25 --- the ministry of prophesying, accompanied by harps, lyres and cymbals.



Saturday 13 June

Thought provoking Video:  --- with appreciation to Patriarch Teoctist Arăpașu died 2007


Friday 12 June --- Jesus will Come Again! True hope is ours


Psalm 117: Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord.

Thursday 11 June --- God IS & acts! His character of love, goodness & faithfulness


Psalm 100: 5 --- Jubilate --- click here for this Psalm

Wednesday 10 June --- Bring your thanks – remember well 


Psalm 100: 4-5 --- Jubilate --- click here for this Psalm


Tuesday 9 June --- God is Knowable: Whose Am I? Give Thanks


Psalm 100: 3 --- Jubilate --- click here for this Psalm


Monday 8 June --- God is King: Prime the pump for worship


Psalm 100 --- Jubilate --- click here for this Psalm

Thought provoking Video: --- Fr Tom Forrest C.Ss.R 


Sunday 7 June --- Trinity Sunday


2 Corinthians 13:14 --- please click here to read this verse. 

Thought provoking Video: --- How not to explain the Trinity

Friday 5 June --- Marks of The Church: 5. Credal


Acts 2:42ff & Deut 6:4-5


Thursday 4 June --- Marks of The Church: 4. Martyrdom


Acts 1 & 2 +++

Wednesday 3 June --- Marks of The Church: 3. Nurture


Tuesday 2 June --- Marks of The Church: 2. Fellowship


Acts 2: 42-end

Monday 1 June --- Marks of The Church: 1. Charismatic


Acts 2: 1-4



Sunday 31 May --- Ascension Day +10 --- Pentecost


Acts 27 & 28

Thought provoking Video:

with appreciation to Father Dennis Bennett died All Saints 1991

Saturday 30 May --- Ascension Day +9


Acts 26


Friday 29 May --- Ascension Day +8


Acts 25

Thursday 28 May --- Ascension Day +7


Acts 24

Thought provoking Video: Resurrection No 5 ---

with appreciation to Bob Gordon died 1997

Wedneday 27 May --- Ascension Day +6


Acts 23

Tuesday 26 May --- Ascension Day +5


Acts 22

Thought provoking Video: Resurrection No 4 ---

with appreciation to John Wimber who died 1997


Monday 25 May --- Ascension Day +4


Acts 21

Sunday 24 May --- Ascension Day +3


Acts 20

Saturday 23 May --- Ascension Day +2


Acts 19

Friday 22 May --- Ascension Day +1


Acts 18

Thursday 21 May --- Ascension Day


Acts 1: 1-11



Wednesday 20 May   


Acts 17  (audio presentation of this chapter)

Thought provoking Video: Resurrection No 3 ---

Acts 3:1-10

Tuesday 19 May


Acts 16: 16-end

Monday 18 May   


Acts 16: 11-15

Thought provoking Video:  Resurrection 2 & Lazarus ---  

John 11: 1-44

Sunday 17 May


Acts 8:5-17


Saturday 16 May   


Acts 16: 1-10

Friday 15 May   


Acts 15: 22-end


Thursday 14 May


Acts 15: 7-21

Wednesday 13 May


Acts 15: 1-6


Tuesday 12 May​


Acts 14: 21-end 

Monday 11 May


Acts 14: 1-20

Thought provoking Video: on The Resurrection of Jesus ---

Sunday 10 May

Video: - Part One

Video: - Part Two

Acts 6:1-7

Saturday 9 May


Acts 13: 34-end.

Friday 8 May



Acts 13: 13-33

Thursday 7 May


Acts 13: 1-12

Wednesday 6 May



Acts 12.

Tuesday 5 May



or because of technology problems: click here

Acts 11: 19-end

Monday 4 May



Acts 11: 1-18

Sunday 3 May


Acts 2:14, 36-41

Saturday 2 May


or because of technology problems: click here

Acts 9: 31-end

Friday 1 May


Acts 9: 1-31

Thursday 30 April


Acts 8: 26-end

Wednesday 29 April


Acts 8:4-25

Tuesday 28 April


Acts 7: esp 51 to Acts 8:3

Monday 27 April


Acts 6: 8-end

Sunday 26 April


Audio: 200425_002.mp3?dl=0  

Acts 2:14, 22-33

Saturday 25 April


Acts 6: 1-7

Friday 24 April


Acts 5: 27-end

Thursday 23 April


Acts 5: 12-26

Wednesday 22 April


Acts 4:32 – 5:11

Tuesday 21 April


Acts 4:esp 1-3 & 13

Monday 20 April


Acts 3: 11-end


Sunday 19 April

Audio: mp3?dl=0

John 20: 19-31

Saturday 18 April


Acts 3: 1-10


Friday 17 April


Acts 2: 32-33


Thursday 16 April


Acts 2: 1-4


Wednesday 15 April


Acts 1:11 


Tuesday 14 April


Acts 1:15-20


Monday 13 April


Acts 1: 3-4


Easter Sunday 12 April

Audio: 1.mp3?dl=0

Acts 10: 34-43


Holy Saturday 11 April



The Lord's descent into hell --- a reading from an ancient homily for Holy Saturday ---


Good Friday 10 April

Audio: Sermon:

Video: Prayers:

John 19: 25-28


Maundy Thursday 9 April


Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14

Psalm 116:12-end

1 Corinthians 11:23-26

John 13:1-15

Sunday 5 April Palm Sunday & Holy Week




Matthew 21: 1-11

Isaiah 50: 4-7

Psalm 22

Philippians 2: 6-11

Matthew 26: 14-75

Matthew 27: 1-66


Sunday 29 March and the following week











John 11: 1-45

Sunday 22 March


1 Samuel 16: 1b, 6-7, 10-13a

Psalm 23: 1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6

Ephesians 5: 8-14

John 9: 1-41

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