Lakeside Christian Fellowship
Latest update: as for Sunday 2nd March 2025 and click here for recent scriptures, sermons & recordings

Week 1: Introduction to our study of Apologetics
What is Apologetics? https://youtu.be/fH5CIW-1vIA
Why Apologetics? https://youtu.be/j5-lJ-G_qtE
How do we do Apologetics? https://youtu.be/HHf1deJzE_k
Mahesh has also been kind enough to present a short video on 'Sharing your Faith' which I hope you will find helpful --- https://youtu.be/VwxgxUFo8q0
Week 2: Has science buried God? --- https://youtu.be/CjUcewxxvdk
Week 3: Does belief in God lead to war? --- https://youtu.be/ruRtW-JtjiE
Week 4: What about other religions? --- https://youtu.be/-70nfdNvT70
Week 5: Won't believing restrict my freedom? --- https://youtu.be/nsGurSc-7yQ
Week 6: Why does God care who I sleep with? --- https://youtu.be/mhoYiLOpWsA
Andrew also recommends watching the trailer to the following video (no need to buy the full thing): https://vimeo.com/ondemand/tiatcinematic/213704872
Week 7: Surely suffering disproves the existence of God? --- https://youtu.be/qDXfh6BEDzI
Week 8: I believe in God and live a moral life --- why do I need to be a Christian? --- https://youtu.be/QImehkOIWdI
Week 9: How can a God of love send people to Hell? --- https://youtu.be/dYuixRLYd4o
Week 10: Can I trust the Bible? --- https://youtu.be/uTLFz4yBFFY
Week 11: Evidence for the Resurrection --- https://youtu.be/6hRtjkgkpXE
PDF summary of this Apologetics course --- for reference and for printing --- click here